Dora the (Business) Explorer: How to plan work-ations that will grow revenues, part 1

November 22, 2010 at 10:13 pm Leave a comment

November means it’s time to think about turkey and very soon about mistletoe. But, in our business lives, we translate this time of year into pressure for Q4 results, with next year’s Q1 expectations looming in the not-too-distant future.

'Tis the season...

In companies all over the country I hear quiet cries for help: 2010 has been a challenging year for many industries with the impact of low interest rates haunting some businesses, not-yet-recovered consumers challenging others, and global pressures hitting us all.

The world of commerce isn’t for sissies, so we can’t afford to quake, tremble, or stay put very long. It’s time to rally once more before the end of the year and take action.

Q4 expectations

What would be the most powerful thing a business leader can do before year-end? It’s probably too late to change course too dramatically for the next eight weeks (although sales forces can perform their final rally to reel in some fence sitters). But, it’s not too late to get creative.  In other words, to carve out time to ask ourselves if a fifth grader were going to end the year with a bang, WWAFGD (What Would A Fifth Grader Do)?

The answer is clear. Take a field trip.

In business, we should create our own versions of what kids know naturally (and, what one of the folk heroines of the younger set, Dora the Explorer, demonstrates) when we’ve had too much reading, writing, and arithmetic.  We need to change scenery for awhile and get ourselves re-stimulated. We need to arm ourselves with curiosity, questions, fascination, and in Dora’s case, a monkey and a backpack, and hit the road.

Dora the Explorer says, “Pack your backpack!”

We need to plan at least 2 work-ations (vacations without the long flights) that will get our juices flowing about new ways to tackle our vexing issues. This week and next, I’ll share some of my recommendations, but the rules for why and how to “work-ate” are:

  1. Why: Businesses learn from cross-industry insights. Studying another company’s approach to building consumer loyalty can inform our own and we can adopt someone else’s ways to kick up our offerings a notch.
  2. How: Pick a company that rocks at something you’re trying to get good at. Ask yourself where your business is stuck and think about who’s doing a killer job in that arena. Then, go and visit (informally or by appointment—both approaches have merit).

Top Ideas for Work-ations to End 2010 with a Bang

(Part one this week; part two after Thanksgiving.)

1. Vexing issue: Customer loyalty.
Work-ation idea: Cooper’s Hawk Restaurant and Winery (Chicago)

Cooper's Hawk: hot concept for cross-industry immersion

I walked into this restaurant-qua-winery-qua-wine-bar and experienced unbelievably memorable service. The place boasts a cool environment with over-the-top customer focus. But wait, there’s more. It turns out that even at a time when many restaurants at this price point are struggling, Tim McEnery has created much more than a fantastic service model. He’s actually built a very loyal following with thousands of diners joining their wine club, and coming in every month to claim their (very affordable and great) bounty. You figure out the math. No wonder they won the Hot Concept award in 2010.

2. Vexing issue: Brick and mortar real estate.
Work-ation idea: Pop up stores
(Dick’s Sporting Goods in Pittsburgh, Toys R Us Express 600 locations nationwide)

It was only a matter of time before commercial rents squeezing from one side of the vise grip and internet sales pushing from the other would yield a smart alternative to fixed rent—the popup store. It’s like the compactness of a cool Airstream trailer with the merchandising spirit of Barbie’s Dream House.

Pop-up stores: Brick-and-mortar meets Just-in-time

All accessible with updates via Twitter and other social media, many designed to be highly seasonal. Check out an example like Scratchproof Jackets in Sacramento California, Dick’s Sporting Goods in Pittsburgh, or Toys R Us, and be prepared to be inspired.

3. Vexing issue: What is the value of social media for business?
Work-ation idea (stay at your desk for this one): Follow some people on Twitter.

We’ve all heard opinions on two extremes of the social media spectrum. On the one hand, we see those fifth graders removing vowels from the words “Oh,” “My,” and “God,” and sending what we dismiss as meaningless drivel to each other, nonstop. On the other hand, we see that Martha Stewart has started to tweet. An easy work-ation idea—follow a couple of people on Twitter for a day ( Below is a short video that gives the overview for business and gives you a great list of Twitter hotspots to follow, like @mint and @zappos and @richardbranson.


Dora the Explorer

Let’s go!
Dora, Dora, Dora the explorer!
Boots and supercool exploradora!
Grab your backpack! Let’s go! Jump in!  Vamonos!
You can lead the way! It’s Dora, the explorer.

Entry filed under: Capitalizing on Future Trends, Cross-Industry Insights, Customer Impact. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

If you’re stuck, mix it up: How (and why) to have an “interesting” conversation Keep up (don’t give up): How to take a tech trend-based work-ation

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November 2010